
USA Today, Wall Street Journal.

Foreign Newspaper

Financial Times, International New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, 朝日新聞 (Asahi Shimbun),日本經濟新聞 (Nihon Keizai Shimbun),TradeWinds, Upstream.

Local Newspaper

China Daily (中國日報), South China Morning Post (南華早報), 信報 (Hong Kong Economic Journal), 經濟日報 (Hong Kong Economic Times), 明報 (Ming Pao Daily News), 商報 (HK Commercial Daily), 星島日報 (Sing Tao Daily News), 香港01 (hk01), 大公報 (Ta Kung Pao), 文匯報 (Wen Wei Po), 大灣區時報 (Greater Bay Area Times).

Local Free Newspaper

AM730, The Standard (英文虎報), 頭條日報 (Headline News), 都市日報 (Metro Hong Kong), 晴報 (Sky Post), 香港仔 (Lion Rock Daily).


The Economist (經濟學人), E-Zone, U Magazine, iMoney, Weekly Hong Kong, 彭博商業周刊 (Bloomberg Businessweek), 明報周刊 (Mingpao Weekly), MRRM, Manifesto, 信報月刊 (HKEJ monthly), Prestige, #Legend, TimeOut, Playtimes, 世界腕錶 (World Wrist Watch), Hong Kong Business.

Air Business Ltd., Chartered Association of Building Engineers, Citywire Financial Publishers Ltd, CPA Australia, Dawson Media Direct, Global China Circulation & Distribution Ltd., Magazine International, HK Government, Overseas Customer Services (OCS), Pacific Coffee Company, Professional Publishing People, Reuters HK Ltd., Singapore Press Holdings Limited, Wednesday Journal, WSJ. Magazine, etc